Foxpro datatypes in hindi in DBMS जाने हिन्दी में

Foxpro datatypes in hindi in DBMS जाने हिन्दी में:-

Foxpro me sare datatypes kuch iss prakaar hai:-

Foxpro, एक डेटाबेस प्रबंधन प्रणाली और प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा होने के नाते, विभिन्न प्रकार की सूचनाओं को संग्रहीत करने के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के डेटा का समर्थन करता है। यहां फॉक्सप्रो में आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले कुछ डेटा प्रकार उनके विवरण के साथ दिए गए हैं:

DBMS के ये Topics के बारे में जानें :-

FoxPro, being a database management system and programming language, supports various data types to store different kinds of information. Here are some commonly used data types in FoxPro along with their descriptions:

  1. Character (C): The Character data type is used to store alphanumeric text data. It can hold a sequence of characters, such as names, addresses, or descriptions. The maximum length of a Character field is 254 characters.


    Name C(50) && Defines a Character field named "Name" with a length of 50 characters

  2. Numeric (N): The Numeric data type is used to store numeric values, including integers and decimal numbers. It can hold positive or negative numbers with various precision and scale.


    Age N(3, 0) && Defines a Numeric field named "Age" with a precision of 3 (maximum 999)

  3. Integer (I): The Integer data type is used to store whole numbers without decimal places. It can hold positive or negative integers within a specific range.


    Quantity I && Defines an Integer field named "Quantity"

  4. Date (D): The Date data type is used to store dates in the format of month, day, and year. It can hold a specific date value.


    Birthdate D && Defines a Date field named "Birthdate"

  5. Logical (L): The Logical data type is used to store boolean values representing true or false, yes or no, or on or off. It can hold logical conditions or flags.


    IsStudent L && Defines a Logical field named "IsStudent"

  6. Memo (M): The Memo data type is used to store large text or binary data, such as lengthy descriptions, comments, or document contents. It can hold a large amount of data.


    Copy codeComments M && Defines a Memo field named "Comments"

  7. Currency (Y): The Currency data type is used to store monetary values with decimal places. It provides accurate calculations for financial data.


    Price Y(10, 2) && Defines a Currency field named "Price" with a precision of 10 and 2 decimal places

These are some commonly used data types in FoxPro. Each data type has specific characteristics and usage scenarios based on the type of data you need to store. It’s important to choose the appropriate data type to ensure efficient storage and manipulation of data in your FoxPro applications.

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